Ghostbusters - If Someone Asks if You’re a Fan, You Say YES!

Episode 2 February 02, 2018 01:18:53
Ghostbusters - If Someone Asks if You’re a Fan, You Say YES!
Ghostbusters - If Someone Asks if You’re a Fan, You Say YES!

Feb 02 2018 | 01:18:53


Show Notes

[// Pregenerate link to episode ahead of time: -]: # This week, we _better_ not be a afraid of no ghost, because we've got the Ontario Ghostbusters helping us to get into the spirit of Ghostbusters fandom (and bustin' makes us feel good)! Next week, we'll be honing our routine in preparation to talk about fans... of the Olympics! ## Where can I learn more about Adrianna and Brily? Adrianna and Brily are co-presidents of the [Ontario Ghostbusters]( If you want to learn more about them, check out the Ontario Ghostbusters on social media: - Facebook: - Twitter: - Instagram: - YouTube: ## Episode outline ### Fandom Facts **History and Origins:** _Ghostbusters_ is a supernatural comedy franchise created in 1984 by Ivan Reitman, Harold Ramis, and Dan Aykroyd about a group of eccentric parapsychologists who start a legit ghost-busting business (like exterminators) in New York City. The project was initially conceived as a "Ghostmashers" (starring Dan Aykroyd and John Belushi) with the cast traveling through space and time ... and something about magic wands — the script was drastically rewritten after it was deemed 'financially impractical' and after the death of Belushi. Since the first films release on June 8, 1984, the franchise has spawned a total of three movies, two television series, several video games, novelizations, comics, and is in the [top 50 grossing domestic films (adjusted for inflation) of all time]( **Search Data:** The search data is a bit hard to track; though there is a search topic for the Ghostbusters franchise, it has very little data compared to search data compared to the 2016 and 1984 Ghostbuster films. Even looking at [just these two topics](,%2Fm%2F01d2v1) is hard to analyze the broad trend because of the massive distortion in search data around the release of the 2016 movie. Taking a look at the data from a few different timescales, it is most likely that interest in the franchise has remained fairly flat, with the most notable spike in interest occurring in July of 2016 (release of _Ghostbusters (2016)_), and some much smaller spikes in August 2004 (_Ghostbusters: Legion_ comic, possibly), and June 2009 (_Ghostbusters: The Video Game_). Looking at the search data, Ghostbusters is popular in most parts of the world. Inexplicably, comparing the 2016 and 1984 search interest reveals slightly different popularity when looking at regions: _Ghostbusters (1984)_ top 5 countries by search data: Mexico, Costa Rica, Spain, Italy, El Salvador _Ghostbusters (2016)_ top 5 countries by search data: United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Ireland, Australia The later entries start to overlap. **Size of Fandom:** Taking a look at some of the data we have, let's see what we can estimate for the fandom size: - [The Ghostbusters subreddit]( has over 6000 subscribers - [The GBFans Forum]( has over 29 000 members (with over 9000 online at once) That probably puts the size of the fandom (depending on your measure of fan-ness) somewhere in the **ten thousands** of fans. **Fast Facts:** Looking at Fanfics, there are over [2600 Ghostbusters fanfics on Archive Of Our Own]( - Most are _General Audience_ (900+) or _Teen and Up_ (800+) - The top three categories: F/F (1800+), Gen (500+), M/M (100+) - The top three fandoms: Ghostbusters (2016) (2000+), The Real Ghostbusters (300+), Ghostbusters I & II (100+) - The top three characters: Jillian Holtzmann (1800+), Abby Yates (1200+), Patty Tolan (1200+) There are over 39 000 results for [Ghostbusters on DeviantArt]( A lot of the top results appear to be inspired by the 80's ghostbuster movies and cartoon. [// Then Kevin Beckman, then Egon, then Peter, Ray, and Winston ]: # Also worth noting: > In 2017, Royal Ontario Museum paleontologists Victoria Arbour and David Evans were studying a fossil of a newly discovered ankylosaur species, and decided that its head resembled that of Zuul from Ghostbusters. Accordingly, they named the species _Zuul crurivastator_ > > — [Wikipedia - Ghostbusters]( ### [Last Episode's]( Famous Last Words **T** Is there something like the 501st legion for Ghostbusters? Like, a federation of Ghostbusters? (Are there ghost hunters inspired by the Ghostbusters?) [// Midwest Ghostbusters Coalition; not a governing body though: There are cons and a messageboard and semi-approval from studio... so... maybe not necessary ]: # [// No... but there are a lot of ghostbuster groups: Alabama, Minnesota, Spokane, South Carolina, Carolina, Ontario, Chicago, Germany, UK, New England, South California, Houston, Hawaii, Louisiana, Louisville, Northeast Ohio ]: # [// YES! Ghost Corps); official ghost buster franchises; sony offers a lot of support ]: # [// Yes! There are ghosthunters inspired ]: # **Z** After the announcement and release of the latest Ghostbusters film, was there a notable drop off in the fandom because the Ghostbusters are women? Or was there a rise in folks who only liked the old Ghostbusters? **G** Is there a significant chunk of Ghostbusters fans who have not seen the movies? ### The Verdict **Z is out. Meh?** **T is in. Tried to make a proton pack...** **G is out. Will see a new movie if it comes out.** **Adrianna is in. Ontario Ghostbusters wouldn't let her out.** **Brily is in. He can't imagine doing better things with better people.** [// Animated movie coming out in 2019]: # ### This week's spotlight **[Ontario Ghostbusters](** As it turns out, the Ontario Ghostbusters are the top result for "Ghostbusters Charity"! > The Ontario Ghostbusters are a fan costuming group who's purpose is to give fans an up close experience with screen accurate equipment and memorabilia as well as raise money and attention for charitable organizations. > ... > We come loaded with authentic screen accurate gear ready to bust and entertain the young and old. We also have hands on table displays so fans can get up close with our gear and even check out a little slime. No Ghostbuster display would be complete without an 8 foot Stay Puft, 6 foot Slimer and life size Vigo portrait. You can even suit up in a Rookie jump suit (GB1, GB2 or Reboot) and feel what it is like to strap on a Proton Pack (Please note, features may vary from event to event depending on venue). > > — [Ontario Ghostbusters - About Us]( ### Famous Last Words This week's famous last words around *next week's* fandom, Olympics! **Brily** When is Canada going to fund its fencing teams? **Adrianna** Predictions for the Winter games: Where will Canada place? **G** Are there people who only pay attention to the winter Olympics? **T** Why do we still do the Olympics? Is it like Daylight Savings Time? **Z** How many people actively cheer for countries other than their own? ## Where can you find us online? We are everywhere! Most notably though, we like to hang out in a few places on social media: - If you want to help us to create more amazing fannish content, become a patron on [Patreon](; even as little as a dollar a month pledge really helps us out! - If you want to be part of our podcast (or just want to check us out), we record our podcast LIVE on []( every Monday at 20:00 Eastern Time! - For all the latest updates, check us out on [Facebook]( or [Twitter]( - To see the latest hijinx from our conventions or even our daily lives and adventures, check us out on [Instagram]( - For our latest convention updates, *Let's Plays*, and other in-real-life video, [check out our YouTube channel]( - We're also on [iTunes](, and [Google Play](, and would love it if you could leave a review and rating! - if you want to reach us, and for some reason none of those work for you, try [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) - You can check out [our website](; that will mostly bring you back to this stuff. - Everything is `thenickscast`, so if you can't find us, go on your social network and search for that! ## What is "Fanthropological"? How did you read this far without asking this question?! Fanthropological is an anthropological (ish) podcast where we bring the fan's-eye view to you! Each week, we take a look at a different fandom, dig up interesting background, trivia, and history, and try to get to why it is that people are a fan. We also try to highlight good causes related to that fandom, and find interesting things that fans have created to share those to the world. Each episode is about an hour. Ish. ## Who is "The Nickscast"? *We* are the Nickscast! Three products of late-80s / early-90s pop culture who love exploring fandom and everything geek ... who also happen to have been best buddies since high school, and all happen to be named Nick. Yes, we are super creative (dare we say, the _most_ creative). *Ahem* We are Nick Green, Nick Terwoord, and Nick Zacharewicz: We started the Nickscast as a labour of love, and as a place to entertain and to discuss our love of fans and fandom, and all that is shiny and interesting in that realm. It's what lead us to start our first podcast, our satellite podcasts, Fanthropological, and so much more. We want to help others learn more about different fandoms, and to create empathy with other fans: We dream of a world where other fans aren't "those Weird-o's", but just folks with different tastes. A world where fandom is full of discourse and analysis, and there are plenty of tools and resources to help. Fans building communities to do good in the world. *Because everyone's a fan.* ## Credits ### Sources - [The Telegraph - Female Ghostbusters? Fans Don’t Want It, Says Ernie Hudson]( - [Vox - How the All-Female Ghostbusters Reboot Became a Lightning Rod of Controversy]( - [Google Trends - “Ghostbusters”]( - [Cinemassacre - Ghostbusters 2016. No Review. I Refuse.]( - [AV Film - Ghostbusters, Frozen, and the Strange Entitlement of Fan Cultre]( - [Quora - Which Movie had Greater Cultural Significance: Blazing Saddles or Ghostbusters]( - [Quora - Why is Ghostbusters Widely Regarded as One of the Best Comedies Ever?]( - [Quora - Why do people love Ghostbusters so much?]( - [r/Ghostbusters - I’m Tired of Taking the Backseat as a Hardcore Fan of the Ghostbusters Franchise]( - [r/Ghostbusters - Should Ghostbusters Fans have Bit the Bullet?]( - [Wikipedia - Ghostbusters (franchise)]( - [Wikipedia - Ghostbusters]( - [Inverse - Why Fans Adore Kate McKinnon As Holtzmann In 'Ghostbusters']( - [Buzzfeed - 30 reasons Ghostbusters is the greastest movie ever]( - [Bustle - 11 reasons why I'll always love Ghostbusters]( - [FilmSite - ALL-TIME TOP 100 FILMS (Domestic Gross, Inflation-Adjusted)]( - [r/Ghostbusters]( - [The GBFans Forum]( - [FiveThirtyEight - Ghostbusters is a perfect example of how internet ratings are broken]( - [AV/Film - Ghostbusters, Frozen, and the strange entitlement of fan culture]( - [NewsWeek - Why the original Ghostbusters was awful]( - [Time - Sorry, But the Original Ghostbusters Isn't Even That Good]( - [r/Ghostbusters - Any other women feeling very ostracised from the fan community right now?]( ### Music / Sound - [Ghostbusters theme cover]( by [Superhero Second Line]( - All other music and sound for this week's episode were provided by Nick Green! ### Artwork - ["Glasses"]( by [Anton Anuchin]( used under [CC BY 3.0]( - [“Stay Puft”]( by [Vincent Montagnana]( used under [CC BY 3.0](

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