Yu Yu Hakusho - Knife Edge Death-Match

Episode 8 August 31, 2018 01:24:47
Yu Yu Hakusho - Knife Edge Death-Match
Yu Yu Hakusho - Knife Edge Death-Match

Aug 31 2018 | 01:24:47


Show Notes

This would have been a podcast about a great delinquent kid who grows up with friendship and fighting and the underworld... except we died? We have special guests, [The YuYu Hakushow](https://yuyuhakushow.podiant.co/) joining us this week to talk about the fans, fandom, and the 90s attitude of, well, Yu Yu Hakusho! Next week will be Un-brie-lievable as we talk about fans of Bob's Burgers (with the hosts of [Pod's Burgers](https://www.podsburgers.com/), Jen and Briddany)! ## Where can I learn more about Joe and Patrick? If you want to here more from Joe and Patrick, especially about Yu Yu Hakusho, you're in luck! You can check out their bi-weekly show at [yuyuhakushow.podiant.com](https://yuyuhakushow.podiant.co/), follow them on Facebook ([@theyuyuhakushoow](https://www.facebook.com/theyuyuhakushoow/)) or follow them on Twitter ([@theyuyuhakushow](https://twitter.com/theyuyuhakushow))! ## Episode outline ### Fandom Facts **History and Origins:** > Yu Yu Hakusho ... is a manga series written and illustrated by Yoshihiro Togashi [also known for Hunter x Hunter, and the husband of Naoko Takeuchi, writer and illustrator of Sailor Moon]. The series tells the story of Yusuke Urameshi, a teenage delinquent who is struck and killed by a car while attempting to save a child's life. After a number of tests presented to him by Koenma, the son of the ruler of the afterlife Underworld, Yusuke is revived and appointed the title of "Underworld Detective", with which he must investigate various cases involving demons and apparitions in the human world. The manga becomes more focused on martial arts battles and tournaments as it progresses. Togashi began creating Yu Yu Hakusho around November 1990, basing the series on his interests in the occult and horror films and an influence of Buddhist mythology. The manga was originally published in _Weekly Shonen Jump_ from 1990 to 1994, and the television series aired from 1992 to 1994 in Japan (and was later licensed and released in North America in 2001, airing on Cartoon Network). _Yu Yu Hakusho_ has sold over 50 million copies in Japan alone, the animated series won the _Animage_ Anime Grand Prix for best anime in 1994 and 1995, has spawned two animated films, a series of original video animations (OVAs), audio albums, video games, and other merchandise. **Search Data:** Based on search data from Google Trends, [Yu Yu Hakusho is a lot less popular now than it was in 2004](https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=all&q=%2Fm%2F014xy1) (but interest hasn't changed much since 2006, and given the air time of the show isn't suprising either). By search volume, the top ten countries interested in _Yu Yu Hakusho_ since 2004 are: Philippines, Japan, Brazil, Hungary, Thailand, Taiwan, Hong Kong, China, Dominican Republic, and El Salvador (United States is 15th, and Canada is 30th). **Fast Facts:** - FanFiction.net has [over 20 000 fan works for _Yu Yu Hakusho_](https://www.fanfiction.net/anime/Yu-Yu-Hakusho/), Archive Of Our Own has [about 1600 fan works](https://archiveofourown.org/tags/%E5%B9%BD%E2%98%86%E9%81%8A%E2%98%86%E7%99%BD%E6%9B%B8%20%7C%20YuYu%20Hakusho:%20Ghost%20Files/works): - Top 3 Categories: M/M (43%), F/M (34%), Gen (29%) - Top 3 Crossovers: InuYasha (8%), Harry Potter (4%), Naruto (3%) - Top 3 Characters: Kurama (55%), Hiei (50%), Yuusuke (43%) - Top 3 Pairings: Hiei / Kurama (19%), Yuusuke / Keiko (9%), Kurama / Yuusuke (6%) ### [Last Episode's](http://fanthropological.com/e/3689d5d0dedb3c/) Famous Last Words **T** Are fans waiting for a revival or did they move on to other shonen titles? **Z** What's the most common pairing in fic? Of those characters, what's their canonical relationship? What does that say about the fans? **G** Do fans consider it to be passed or over? Do fans have an underdog mentality or a Napolean complex about it? **Michael** Add some collectible ghosts and demons and that's the show for me. - [// How would you pitch the thing to new folks]: # ### This week's spotlight - [Help YYH sub buy yuyuhakusho.com!](https://ca.gofundme.com/yuyuhakushodotcom) Not much to this: The Yu Yu Hakusho subreddit wants to buy the domain name (which isn't in use somehow??). - [// SNK Topic]: # - [// Attack on Titan Topic]: # - [// Fanfiction Scraper]: # - [// MMA -> Share Dog]: # ### Famous Last Words This week's famous last words around *next week's* fandom, _Bob's Burgers_! **T** Does anyone like Jimmy Pesto? Why? **Z** How do the fans feel about most of the voice cast being men (even though the cast is fairly balanced)? **G** Do fans react to Larry Murphy becoming a main cast member? **Joe** How many folks tried Capoeira because of the show? **Patrick** What if Tina was a DBZ character? ## Where can you find us online? We are everywhere! Most notably though, we like to hang out in a few places on social media: - If you want to be part of our podcast (or just want to check us out), we record our podcast LIVE on [twitch.tv](http://twitch.tv/thenickscast)! - For all the latest updates, check us out on [Facebook](https://facebook.com/thenickscast) or [Twitter](https://twitter.com/thenickscast) - To see the latest hijinx from our conventions or even our daily lives and adventures, check us out on [Instagram](https://instagram.com/thenickscast) - For our latest convention updates and other in-real-life video, [check out our YouTube channel](http://youtube.com/thenickscast) - Do you use [Spotify](https://open.spotify.com/show/2IVp8MBIUyCqlKyZn79iHn)? Well, we're on there too! - We're also on [iTunes](https://itunes.apple.com/podcast/fanthropological/id1163621210), and [Google Play](https://play.google.com/music/m/Icmngxz7yhaoivdvivvf6q6c2pu?t=Fanthropological), and would love it if you could leave a review and rating! - if you want to reach us, and for some reason none of those work for you, try [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) - You can check out [our website](http://thenickscast.com); that will mostly bring you back to this stuff. - Everything is `thenickscast`, so if you can't find us, go on your social network and search for that! ## What is "Fanthropological"? How did you read this far without asking this question?! Fanthropological is an anthropological (ish) podcast where we bring the fan's-eye view to you! Each week, we take a look at a different fandom, dig up interesting background, trivia, and history, and try to get to why it is that people are a fan. We also try to highlight good causes related to that fandom, and find interesting things that fans have created to share those to the world. Each episode is about an hour. Ish. ## Who is "The Nickscast"? *We* are the Nickscast! Three products of late-80s / early-90s pop culture who love exploring fandom and everything geek ... who also happen to have been best buddies since high school, and all happen to be named Nick. Yes, we are super creative (dare we say, the _most_ creative). *Ahem* We are Nick Green, Nick Terwoord, and Nick Zacharewicz: We started the Nickscast as a labour of love, and as a place to entertain and to discuss our love of fans and fandom, and all that is shiny and interesting in that realm. It's what lead us to start our first podcast, our satellite podcasts, Fanthropological, and so much more. We want to help others learn more about different fandoms, and to create empathy with other fans: We dream of a world where other fans aren't "those Weird-o's", but just folks with different tastes. A world where fandom is full of discourse and analysis, and there are plenty of tools and resources to help. Fans building communities to do good in the world. *Because everyone's a fan.* ## Credits ### Sources - [Wikipedia - Yu Yu Hakusho](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yu_Yu_Hakusho) - [Wikipedia - Yoshihiro Togashi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yoshihiro_Togashi) - [Google Trends - Yu Yu Hakusho](https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=all&q=%2Fm%2F014xy1) - [Fanfiction.net - Yu Yu Hakusho](https://www.fanfiction.net/anime/Yu-Yu-Hakusho/) - [Who Cares About Anime - Yu Yu Hakusho](http://whocaresaboutanime.com/2018/01/05/yu-yu-hakusho/) - [Manga Tokyo - ‘Yu Yu Hakusho’ and Japan in the 1990s](https://manga.tokyo/otaku-articles/knowing-yu-yu-hakusho-is-knowing-japans-1990s/) - [YouTube - Yu Yu Hakusho Anime Facts YOU Should Know - 107 Anime Facts S2 E7 - Cartoon Hangover](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0lci5HpC9Vs) - [Archive of Our Own - Search Results: Yu Yu Hakusho](https://archiveofourown.org/works/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&work_search%5Bquery%5D=yuyu+hakusho) - [Fanfiction.net - Search: Yuu Yuu Hakusho](https://www.fanfiction.net/search/?keywords=yuu+yuu+hakusho&ready=1&type=story) - [Fanlore - Animanga](https://fanlore.org/wiki/Animanga) - [Fanore - Yuu Yuu Hakusho](https://fanlore.org/wiki/Yuu_Yuu_Hakusho) - [Quora - How Strong is Yusuke Urameshi by DragonBall Standards?](https://www.quora.com/How-strong-is-Yusuke-Urameshi-by-DragonBall-standards) - [Quora - Is Hunter × Hunter Overrated? Is Yu Yu Hakusho Better than HxH?](https://www.quora.com/Is-Hunter-%C3%97-Hunter-overrated-Is-Yu-Yu-Hakusho-better-than-HxH) - [Quora - Is Yu Yu Hakusho Better than Dragonball?](https://www.quora.com/Is-Yu-Yu-Hakusho-better-than-dragonball) - [Quora - Which Anime Series Do You like Better, Naruto or Yu Yu Hakusho?](https://www.quora.com/Which-anime-series-do-you-like-better-Naruto-or-Yu-Yu-Hakusho) - [Quora - Which Japanese Anime Series do You Like Better, “Dragon Ball Z” or “Yu Yu Hakusho”?](https://www.quora.com/Which-Japanese-anime-series-do-you-like-better-Dragon-Ball-Z-or-Yu-Yu-Hakusho) - [r/YuYuHakusho - 12 Years Since I First Watched Yu Yu Hakusho, It's still My Forever Number 1 Anime/Manga and I still Hysterically Spazz About It](https://www.reddit.com/r/YuYuHakusho/comments/6wvzmp/12_years_since_i_first_watched_yu_yu_hakusho_its/) - [r/YuYuHakusho - In doing My Part to Make This Sub Active . . . Fanfiction! Do You Write it? Read it? What are Your Favorites?](https://www.reddit.com/r/YuYuHakusho/comments/1009rj/in_doing_my_part_to_make_this_sub_active/?sort=top) - [r/YuYuHakusho - This Is Chuck Huber Voice of Hiei. Ask Me Anything.](https://www.reddit.com/r/YuYuHakusho/comments/6w6zw4/this_is_chuck_huber_voice_of_hiei_ask_me_anything/) - [Youtube - Why You Should Watch Yu Yu Hakusho](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5DHEr87uwgE) - [YuYu Hakusho Wiki - Kurama](http://yuyuhakusho.wikia.com/wiki/Kurama) ### Music / Sound - ["Monday Night Funk Jam"](http://teknoaxe.com/Link_Code_4.php?q=623&Genre=Funk) by TeknoAXE used under [CC BY 4.0](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) - All other music and sound for this week's episode were provided by Nick Green!

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