#18 - Barbie Fans

Episode 6 February 17, 2017 01:16:51
#18 - Barbie Fans
#18 - Barbie Fans

Feb 17 2017 | 01:16:51


Show Notes

Will we be astronauts, debutantes, farmers, or computer scientists today? Today, we'll be podcasters as we talk about Barbie fans! Why do folks become Barbie fans? Why do they collect the dolls? Is it just about the dolls? We're not going shopping on this week's episode! ...But in order to do that, we'll need our special guest, Chloe! Everyone's a fan! Want to see more awesome fandom content? [Become a Patron on Patreon!](http://patreon.com/thenickscast) Find more like this: [fanthropological.com](http://fanthropological.com) Find us on social media Twitter: [@thenickscast](http://twitter.com/thenickscast) Instagram: [@thenickscast](http://instagram.com/thenickscast) Facebook: [fb.com/thenickscast](http://fb.com/thenickscast) Youtube: [youtube.com/thenickscast](http://youtube.com/thenickscast) Email us about fandoms you want to hear about: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) Play-by-play 0:00:05 - Theme Song 0:00:22 - Introduction 0:00:38 - Special Guest Introduction: Chloe! 0:01:08 - Who is Barbie + Trivia 0:05:20 - What are Barbie fans called? + Earring Magic Ken + MORE TRIVIA 0:22:53 - Why Barbie Collecting? 0:30:00 - Thoughts on the 'new' Barbie 0:36:25 - Barbie (the character) as an icon and role model 0:44:42 - Barbie and play 0:48:55 - Barbie Superbowl commercial and men's attitudes towards dolls and play 0:53:45 - Fan of the week 1:01:25 - Spotlight: [Sailor Moon Celebration](http://sailormooncelebration.com/), June 24 2017 @ The Ontario Science Centre 1:03:11 - Where can I find more about Chloe? [Imgur](https://imgur.com/user/lumpyspacepharmacist), [Instagram](http://www.instagram.com/lumpyspacepharmacist) 1:04:07 - Where can I learn more about Fanthropological / The Nickscast? 1:07:16 - Outtakes Citations ["The new realistic Barbies squash kids' imaginations"](http://nypost.com/2016/01/29/the-new-realistic-barbies-squash-kids-imaginations/) ["The 9 Most Expensive Barbies of All Time"](http://www.goodhousekeeping.com/life/money/g3844/most-expensive-barbies-ever/) ["Barbie collectors from around the globe gather in Jacksonville"](http://www.news4jax.com/news/barbie-collectors-from-around-the-globe-gather-in-jax) ["The History of the Barbie Doll"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VIfJiqbgHDY) ["The Zen of Ken, or Life as Barbie's Boyfriend"](http://www.collectorsweekly.com/articles/an-interview-with-collector-jef-beck-on-vintage-ken-dolls-and-ken%E2%80%99s-evolution-in-the-barbie-franchise/) ["Beautiful Trouble - Barbie Liberation Organization"](http://beautifultrouble.org/case/barbie-liberation-organization/) ["16 Questions for the 'Real-Life Barbie,' Valeria Lukyanova"](http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2013/08/05/16-questions-for-the-real-life-barbie-valeria- lukyanova.html) ["What We're Missing by Banishing Barbie"](http://www.themarysue.com/what-were-missing-by-banishing-barbie/) ["Critics Slam New Engineer Barbie for Reinforcing Gender Stereotypes"](http://www.goodtoknow.co.uk/family/548135/critics-slam-engineer-barbie-gender-stereotypes) ["R/Barbie - Why Do You Collect Barbies? (Those That Do)"](https://www.reddit.com/r/Barbie/comments/3kpwxq/why_do_you_collect_barbies_those_that_do/) ["13 People At The National Barbie Collectors Convention Tell Us Why They Love Barbie"](https://www.buzzfeed.com/winonadimeoediger/tk-people-at-the-national-barbie-collectors-c-vkvg?utm_term=.jnLEN5NyWO#.pk97NeNd2A) ["The New Barbie Commercial Features a "Typical Man's Man" Playing with Dolls"](http://www.slate.com/blogs/xx_factor/2017/01/27/new_barbie_ad_features_typical_man_s_man_playing_with_dolls.html) ["Fan Community Nicknames"](http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FanCommunityNicknames) ["From Barbies to Maggots: The Nicknames of 25 Fan Bases"](http://mentalfloss.com/article/28858/barbies-maggots-nicknames-25-fan-bases) ["Barbie Girl - Wikipedia"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barbie_Girl) ["Ken Dolls - FanLore"](https://fanlore.org/wiki/Ken_Dolls) ["Why does the Barbie Obsession Live On"](http://www.forbes.com/2009/01/29/barbie-handler-doll-opinions-columnists_0130_elisabeth_eaves.html) ["14 Barbie Facts That Will Pop Your Plastic Head Off"](http://mashable.com/2014/03/05/barbie-fun-facts/#y0CpF1vFTiqK) ["12 Reasons People Collect Dolls"](http://collectdolls.about.com/od/beginnerscollectingguide/tp/Why-Do-People-Collect-Dolls.htm) ["7 Reasons I love Barbie"](http://allwomenstalk.com/reasons-i-love-barbie/) ["Why Girls Need Barbie Dolls"](http://guff.com/why-girls-need-barbie-dolls) ["Why I Am Not a Fan of the New Barbie"](http://www.hercampus.com/school/pitt/why-i-am-not-fan-new-barbie) ["Why I AM a Fan of the New Barbie"](http://www.urforummagazine.com/why-i-am-a-fan-of-the-new-barbie/) ["Barbie dolls embrace diversity in bid to win back fans"](http://www.ourwindsor.ca/community-story/6256525-barbie-dolls-embrace-diversity-in-bid-to-win-back-fans/) ["Fans urge Mattel to crate Barbie in Selena's likeness"](http://www.caller.com/story/entertainment/people/selena/2016/12/28/fans-urge-mattel-create-barbie-selenas-likeness/95905212/) Credits Music: All this week's music is provided by our very own G! Logo: ["Glasses"](https://thenounproject.com/term/glasses/132894) by [Anton Anuchin](https://thenounproject.com/antonwebium) used under [CC BY 3.0 US](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/us/) ["Ponytail"](https://thenounproject.com/term/ponytail/18427) by [Dave Larsen](https://thenounproject.com/davelarsen) used under [CC BY 3.0 US](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/us/)

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