Latest Episodes

#42 - World of Warcraft Fans
Oh no! We've been transported into a world _inside the computer_ where we need to defeat big bads with the help of our monster...

#41 - Figure Skating Fans
This week, we do our best to keep up with our Russian rivals as we skate (or die) to defend Canada's honour as we...

Time and Space Adventures: SuperWhoLock
This week, we interrupt our global fandom safari for a matter of dire urgency! ~~People are wrong on the internet!~~ There is a crisis...

#40 - Coffee Fans
What is it about that bitter (or sometimes sweet) morning delight that makes people such a fan? This week, we're talking about fans of...

Live at ConBravo: Chrono Trigger
We interrupt our world-wide trip with a trip through TIME. This week, we travel back to ConBravo! 2017, to our panel where we talked...

#39 - Rock Progressivo Italiano Fans
We arrive in Italy, and rather than diving into a fandom, we dive into a history lesson on Italy, Progressive Rock, and its liberating...